Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31, 2011 - Lunch at "Laughing Buddha"

Folks..... I'm back ;)  I took the long weekend off from posting up, got some much needed rest and relaxation!  How was your Memorial Day weekend??  Did you get away?  Out of town?  Or just lounge in the recliner watching TV?!?  :)

Anyhoo - today's lunch was at a new place here in Medford called:
Laughing Buddha Rice Bowl & Boba Tea
This place is located on the corner of 6th Street and Front Street here in Medford.  The owner says he's only been open for 2 weeks now, so I figured I'd give it a shot!
Inside seemed a little empty, like something was lacking.  I just chalked it up as being a new place and he's still trying to get things under wraps.  I ordered up a "Peanut Sauce Chicken Rice Bowl".  For $5.50 you get a good sized bowl with white or brown rice (i opted for white), chicken pieces, "vegetables" (which consisted of 4 pieces of broccolii) with peanut sauce dripped over it all.

The chicken itself was a little salty; didn't mesh well with the peanut sauce.  The peanut sauce itself was REALLY good though!  Would have been a little better if the sauce was distributed evenly throughout the bowl.  The bowl was pretty deep, so be sure to fully mix together if you get this particular dish.  I'd have to give this place a 5.5 out of 10.  Still needs to get settled in on the inside (furniture, decor, etc) and the menu must be expanded from the 4 items they currently have to choose from.

Friday, May 27, 2011

May 27, 2011 - Breakfast at School

My daughter spent the night last night which means that I have breakfast with her at school the next morning :)  I think these are the only times where i REALLY eat healthy LOL  Served up a plain bagel with cream cheese, mandarin oranges, kiwi, orange slices and a carton of milk!  It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday; everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 26, 2011 - Lunch at La Tapatia

WHAT'S FOR LUUUUUNCH!!?!?!  Today we're going to try this little hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Phoenix, Oregon called:
La Tapatia
This restaurant sits right on South Pacific Highway just past Roscoe's BBQ on the left.  If you blink, you'll miss it.  Walk in and the front part of the business is a small convenient store selling candies, snacks, drinks, clothing (yes, clothing).  Keep walking to the back and there is a deli counter no the left selling meat, pork, fish products.  STILL walking towards the back you'll get to said restaurant:
On the left side is the counter where you place your order (if you pay by debit you immediately take your receipt to the front and pay up there).  He (the owner) then gives you a number and you find a seat.  The menu is seen just above with green writing.  Just below the menu on the counter are several choices of hot sauce ranging from mild heat to wild heat.  Ladle what sauce you want into the provided small dishes to bring back to your table.  They also have a big bowl consisting of marinated sliced carrots, cut up jalepenos and a few onion pieces.  YUM!!  Plus, on Mondays they have a taco challenge.  If you can eat 30 tacos in 30 minutes - they will give you $50.  if not, you owe them $30 for the tacos ;)

My lunch consisted of a Pepsy with dos pollo tacos y dos asada tacos.  Each taco comes complete with onions and cilantro (unless specified not to).  I prefer the sauce that is one step up from mild.  has a good flavor, plus I like to add a couple carrot pieces and a slice of jalapeno to each taco.

The service in the restaurant is awesome - WAY friendly people.  Super nice.  The meat in the tacos has MUCH flavor, enough to make you want to come back for more!  Be sure to make your way to LA TAPATIA in Phoenix, Oregon!!

May 26, 2011 - Breakfast at Work

Somewhat healthy, ya???  I mean, are breakfasts like this bad by any means?  I'm sure I could have more, but that would mean getting up earlier in the morning and who the heck wants to do that?!?!?  I mean, really...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25, 2011 - Dinner at Wendy's

Needed to get something quick, so my son and I went to Wendy's in the Medford Center for dinner.  Nothing special just a #6 (spicy chicken sang-a-wich) with a medium-sized fry.  Pretty good; the lettuce and tomato were really fresh and the chicken was hot (not spicy, but temperature-wise).  Fries were good too- freshly made.  The staff were all quite friendly as well.  Good visit today ;)

May 25, 2011 - Lunch at Work

Similar lunch today as a couple days ago, only this one is Orange Chicken flavor:

Again, simple....fairly good.... and cheap, with a can of Loaded Cherry NOS High Performance Energy Drink, to enhance mental focus (it's what it says on there... i dunno - we'll see)  ;)

May 25, 2011 - Lunch at Work

Nothing fancy, nothing to write home about - just gotta chuv sumpin down my troat and get to work.....
Questions?  Comments?  Just reply to this post!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24, 2011 - Dinner at Flappers Wings

Tonight - I'm in the mood for wings.  BUT, not your average everyday flavor of wing ;)  There's a new restaurant here in Medford; just opened up several weeks ago, you may have heard rumors of it.....

Flappers Wild West Wings
Neighborhood Bar & Grill

WINGS!!!!  FINALLY - A wing place here in my town!!!!  Now you all know that I am a huge fan of Buffalo Wild Wings, so.... this place had beddah BRING IT!!! ;)  I started out with a beer.  Yes - must have a beer.  Say.... bartender...gimme a Gold Digger by Southern Oregon Brewery, will ya?  ;)
Mmmmm.  Not bad.  This brew tastes like it's been fermented with a lager yeast..... crisp..... lightly hopped and finishes with a subtile citrus note.  A pint of this will run ya $4.25 (daily happy hour from 2pm to 4pm brings it down to $3 a pint).

Next up - an order of 6 'Thai Satay' flavored wings ($5.45) and a basket of Flappers Shoelace Fries ($3.95).  I asked for a side of their honey mustard sauce, which also has a hint of curry (one of their wing flavors) to try it out.  Not bad- a little strong on the curry part.  The Thai Satay wings have a strong peanut taste.  The menu says it is a sweet and creamy peanut sauce, but it was far from creamy and not really sweet.  You can definately taste a little spice in there which is good; maybe a little too thick though.  The shoelace fries were really good!

Like I said this place is very new, and they're always coming out with different wing flavors.  We'll give 'em some time to work out the kinks.  Just know this is not only a wing joint, they also have sandwiches and burgers as well, so be sure to stop in and welcome them to Medford!

May 24, 2011 - Lunch at a Taco Truck :)

A co-worker says to me today - he says "Buddy, when's the last time you got Rico's Tacos?".  I was like "Hmmmm - it has been a while, huh!".  He's all "Yup- we should hook that shizz up!".  I was like "Ahite!"  ;)

Rico has several taco trucks in Medford; this one he personally works at is on the corner of North Riverside Ave. and E. 4th street in the Aaron's Rent-to-Own parking lot.  We called in our order ahead of time (541-324-3203) so it was ready for pickup when we got there ;)

Rico has a wide variety of authentic mexican food - he also does tariyaki chicken bentos, and they're GOOD!!!  We opted for 5 chicken taco's for $5.  Can't beat that!!!!

Squirt some lime juice on these babies and you're good to go!!  Each taco comes equiped with 2 flour tortillas (grilled), chicken, cabbage, cilantro, onions and a small dose of spicy sauce (not sure what's in it but it's full of win!).

Be sure to stop by Rico's sometime and try these taco's, or even in the morning after 9am for a breakfast burrito!  GREAT great food! :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 22, 2011 - Lunch at Work

Keepin' it real today, folks.  Simple.... fairly good.... and CHEAP!! LOL!  I think I'll roll with Nissin's Kung Pao Chicken Flavor CHOW MEIN!!!!
Bam.... done.  All that and a bottle of water to wash it down.  What did YOU have for lunch?!?!  HMMMM?? :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011 - Lunch at Home

Again - still feeling better from yesterdays sickness!  The weather outside is gorgeous, but i'm still not feeling up to going out and doing anything.  The TV is my friend now ;)  BUT sitting here and watching Man vs Food isn't a good thing when you're hungry.  Changing the channel now and heading off to the kitchen!!

Soup and sandwich sounds good, ya?!?  Chicken sandwich on country potato bread with lettuce, tomato and mayo with a bowl of beef stew and a glass of milk.  YUM!!!   This was a good lunch.  Now i'll sit here and finish watching. . . .OHHHH NO HE DIDN'T!!!!!  LOL - Watching "The Happening" and the one dude turned on the big industrial-sized lawn mower and layed down in front of it and killed himself!! LOL!!  Anyways... nice ending to this post, eh?  :)

May 21, 2011 - Breakfast at Home

Welp, I got SOME sleep tonight - feeling MUCH better this morning.  Hungry as HECK too!  Time for a GOOD breakfast!  Serving up a couple of eggs, sausage, toast, milk, juice and some grapes!!

Took in this awesome breakfast while watching an old Clint Eastwood movie - "Hang 'em High".  Old western flicks really aren't my thing, but - what the hell, right?  Everyone needs to watch an old classic at least once in their lives ;)

Friday, May 20, 2011


Welp - last night and this morning I didn't get ANY sleep.  I had the chills - BAD - turned the heater up to 82 and took a HOT bath, then put on my sweat pants/shirt.... Couldn't get warm.  So, gotta sweat it out!!  Anyways - i'm going back to bed :(  I hope this isn't a pre-rapture deal.... LOL

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19, 2011 - Lunch at Bonsai Teriyaki

SUSHI!!! SUSHI!!!!  Well, maybe not 'true' sushi for me, but, I like to sit at the counter ;)  Stopped in at "Bonsai Teriyaki" this afternoon (6th Street in Medford) and was able to take a seat at the sushi bar:

No, that's not me - and I promise i'll work on better quality panoramic shots ;)  Anyhoo the wait staff was nice - I got my drink quickly and ordered my lunch:

I gave my order to the sushi chef and he went to town!  It's pretty cool watching them make these rolls; makes it look so easy.  I had my meal within 10 minutes or so (who's counting? ;) ) and it looked GOOD!!!

Yummy close-up :)
Very satisfying lunch - didn't have to wait for soda refils, which is nice...  I would definately reccomend Bonsai Teriyaki to anyone who asks!!  :)

May 19, 2011 - Breakfast at School

Thursday mornings are pretty cool - I drive my daughter to school and have breakfast with her in the school cafeteria before her first class.  Kids don't realize how good they have it when it comes to school breakfast.

Today the kids had their choice of 4 different kinds of cereal, hot oatmeal with brown sugar, a hot ham and melted cheese sandwich on a wheat english muffin or a bagel with cream cheese:

ALSO, you can get a small side dish of fruits, including quartered oranges, rasins, mandarin oranges in juice, a fresh green apple or whole banana:

My breakfast was the hot ham and cheese sammich on wheat english muffin, banana and 2 slices of fresh cold oranges with a carton of milk.  Pretty frickin good for a grade school breakfast, ya?   I give it 5 stars ;)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18th, 2011 - Dinner at Red Robin

It's Wednesday.  My day with the kiddo's!  :)  I picked them up and asked them "So, where do you guys want to eat?".  My daughter was the first to blurt out - "RED ROBIN!"  Sooooo. . . . off we went!

We were greeted by one of the workers - he held the door open for us and welcomed us in to the establishment.  We made our way in; I told them there are 3 in our party and we got seated immediately.

The waitress was very friendly and asked what we wanted to drink.  I got a peach flavored iced tea.  We then ordered our food immediately as we already knew what we wanted.  I ordered the Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Wrap, which comes with french fries and 2 slices of cantaloupe.
This dish was pretty good.  The wrap is a spinach tortilla with barbecued chicken pieces (whiskey river BBQ sauce), wrapped together with cheddar cheese, lettuce, crispy tortilla strips and a touch of ranch dressing.  The wrap was in no way ruined by puting too much BBQ or ranch on it - it was a good sauce-to-wrap ratio.  The steak fries were hot and the cantaloupe was nice and cool.  The waitress also refilled my drink without asking at the correct time:
Overall this visit to Red Robin was very acceptable.  Thank you Red Robin for keeping customers happy!

May 18th, 2011 - Lunch at Howiee's

Today I went to Howiee's on Front Street in Medford, Oregon for lunch.  Super cool bar and grill!  If you're in the area check them out - their food is amazing!  Here's a view from where I sat today:
 Seriously, they have TONS of display items - almost like a museum of old/new rock-n-roll album (yes, album) covers, posters, autographed memorabilia, etc.  Comfortable place, Howiee's.

SO - lunch was a pot-roast sandwich with au jus for dipping and a side salad with vinagrette dressing:

Salad was awesome!!!  I know sometimes when you get salad at places some leafs here and there look less than healthy - everything in this salad was fresh!  YUM!!!  The sammich - also very tasty!!  Looks a little 'flat', but - it was still good nonetheless.  I've had this sandwich before so I would definately reccomend it!!

In my book - you can't lose when having a meal and/or drink at Howiee's on Front!!  Thanks guys!!!