Sunday, December 9, 2012

Breakfast on December 9th, 2012

Hey all 12 of you!!  It's been a while, huh ;)  Figured I'd get this blog back in to gear...

This morning I was craving a breakfast burrito.  I went to the fridge and - yep - I have the ingredients ;)  Just a little background on this food we all know so well, the breakfast burrito is normally composed of breakfast items wrapped inside a flour tortilla. This style was invented and popularized in several different regional American cuisines, most notably New Mexican cuisine, Southwestern cuisine, and Tex-Mex. Southwestern breakfast burritos may include scrambled eggs, potatoes, onions, chorizo, or bacon.  "Tia Sophia's", a Mexican café in Santa Fe, New Mexico, claims to have invented the original breakfast burrito in 1975, filling a rolled tortilla with bacon and potatoes, served wet with chili and cheese
OK - that all being said - let's make a bacon breakfast burrito - Buddy Looooove style ;) (if I had my own restaurant THIS is how I would do it).  I can guarantee people would be like - GAHT DAYUM - YOU HAD BUDDY'S BREAKFAST BURRITO'S YET??  THEM BABIES KICK MAJOR ASS!!!!

OK - so - here's how it's done.  This is gonna be quick, so - pay attention ;)

I cooked up a small portion of bacon - scrambled 2 eggs (added spices) and sprinkled a good amount of shredded cheese on top - baked up a couple of McDonalds-style hash browns and cut them as shown.  I added the bacon and hash browns to the egg then carefully placed it on a tortilla (that was microwaved for about 15 seconds).  Rolled it up and. . . . .

BOOM!!!!!  I drizzled a few different types of hot sauce on this (my secret ;) and WOAH!!!  THIS was one kick-ass breakfast burrito!!!  The cheese was melted and 'stretchy' - you could taste every ingredient in every single bite (unlike some places where you only get egg and bread for the first few bites).  If you're interested I am available to come to your home and make this for you for a few thousand dollars ;)'s THAT good!!

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